Friday, October 19, 2007

Wow..I just got SHOT! OUCH! lol

Of course must semangat blog ma..mizzz day is drawing near....the day of reckoning and judgement!!!! ....the day of Steph's Birthday! hehe.. =p

1 MORE DAY to Steph's Birthday!!! YAY!!! u really terlebih post me count....1st,2nd and 3rd paragraph also dedicated to feel so honored.. *_*

Yeah...then we just follow ur whole idea ya? sounds great! she can look at the photoalbum while waiting for the food since its from all of us....the personal presents maybe leave it after the dinner.

Ok let me get this straight to all of u...(based on Manda's Idea)

I will get the map to the place (FOOD FOUNDRY) from Manda.....then u guys go and arrive there by 7.15pm? After that, u all set up everything lo...laptop and stuff..and decide where u all should go hide..haha...but I think better that....when Manda goes 2molo afternoon to see the place..that she try to find a good place for all the "Flashers" to hide...then show it to us in the pic..then at least I know where to direct her to the place...then u guys can pop out

So I'll reach Food Foundry by 8pm with Steph..without my laptop...since we're following Manda's idea....So I bring her to the flashing place...u guys flash her...then after that we order our food...and someone gives Steph the photo that she can look and admire the work of Sam..hehe...then after that when the food comes, we eat...then after dinner..we ask the waiter to bring out the cupcakes..with already lit candles..with dimmed lights...then let Steph blow it...and make a wish...then after that...u all can start giving Steph ur personal presents...then meanwhile..someone try to sneak NIKITA near Steph..under the chair..on her shoulder, behind her...anywhere la..haha...then surprise her...then after that..

The final surprise!!!..haha...the waiter comes in with the laptop covered with a piece of cloth... (should we have drumrolls?) haha...maybe I try to find the mp3 of a drumroll then can play with my hp...with the laptop lid closed of course (Sam remember to set it so that when the lid is closed, it will not go into hibernate mode..just the screen will be dimmed) so that when she opens the cover, she might think we are giving her the she opens the lid..and voila..the blog is think thats about it? the plan? is that it? everyone agree? oh and yeah..the whole time I'll be beside her taking care of her..hehe...

Ps: So far all of her siblings have said they have nothing to say to Steph...I only managed to get Kenneth to say a few words...

And Kelvin (Her elder bro) nearly blew the secret of the doggie out! He told Steph that I was getting her a dog! Then I just denied and said a toy dog? CAN!! sURE CAN! lol....very dangerous.... =p

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